Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Evernote looks like an application i could use. In college or even high school it could be a very handy and useful application. instead of writing notes on paper, which i am a very slow writer so I don't always get all of the info written down, i could use Evernote and I would get all of the information. Another nice thing about it is i can use it on all of my devices and it shares the notes between them. So if some day i forget my laptop i can just pull out my phone and take notes on it and it will share it to my laptop. The only bad thing about Evernote is that with the free version you don't get very much space to save notes. You only get 60mb, which isn't enough room to make video or audio notes. So if you do use Evernote i recommend using the paid for version.

1 comment:

  1. What about Live Binders and Pinterest. Did you look at those?
